Tuesday, November 15, 2011

EDUC 6165 Week #3

The groups of people I am considering for this week’s posting include:
My colleagues at work
My Family
My friends
Between these three groups of people they range in race, religion, gender, and political affiliation.

Three strategies I could use to help communicate more effectively with these people would be:

1.     Take the time to listen to what is being said. Ask confirming questions is necessary and give a recap at the end of what you heard to make sure it was the same thing that was trying to be communicated to you.
2.     Place yourself in their shoes. Try to imagine how you would feel and what you would do if you were in a similar situation. By doing this it may help add empathy to the situation and make you more willing to corporate.
3.     Show your respect in the future by referring back to something from the past, this way you can show them that you do pay attention to what they say and how they feel.


  1. Megan,

    I think listening is the most important aspect of communicating with any group or persons. When you listen, you are able to hear and see what is really being communicated. When a person fails to listen, the conversation/discussion becomes pointless.

  2. Megan,

    I like your third strategy. Having a conversation with a two-way street is what we can do at a required level to achieve effective communication, but taking it one step further is what you suggest by referring back at a later date to show even more respect is brilliant.
