Sunday, January 30, 2011

Anxiety Across Cultures

After doing some research I found that anxiety seems to be common in Latino children. One article I read described the story of a 14-year-old girl  who witnessed a lot of domestic violence during her early childhood. She was referred by her school-based counselor for further evaluation. She had been placed in state custody for excessive truancy and shoplifting. As a child she had a hard time separating from her mother and also began having nightmares and to complaining of  physiological symptoms such as sore throats and nausea. 

During this time she had also just started kindergarten where she cried most days,and needed extra attention from the teachers. These behaviors continued into the first grade. However, after some school exposure she began to function at grade level during her elementary school years. Later she began to become bullied throughout later school years.  The experiences and traumas from early life are what directly influenced the appearance of anxiety.

The article states, “Cultures have their own theories of what basic emotions and emotion-producing situations are important, how these are expressed, and what the appropriate social response is to them" Sine culture has an influence on children's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors it is crucial to understand the origin of children when treating stressors such as anxiety. Accurately diagnosing and treating disorders depends upon an understanding of the culture of the patient and family.

Hamilton, J. M. (2008). Culture Bound Anxiety Disorder in Adolescence: A Case Study. Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 21(3), 186-190. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6171.2008.00150.x

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