Friday, July 15, 2011

EDUC 6162: Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 1

I unfortunately do not have any international contacts. I went to the Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Centre’s page (, and read about childhood poverty in one country instead.

The country i chose to read about was Mongolia

1. In 1998 a major survey indicated that 36% of the population were living below the income poverty line and that poverty in Mongolia tends to be higher in many urban areas than in rural.

I am very interested to see a more updated survey to see the difference in the percentage of the population living below the income poverty line today.

2. It is difficult to assess the numbers of children living in poverty in Mongolia, but many of the poor live in female headed households or are children aged 0-16 years.

This fact makes me wonder at what age are women having children in Mongolia and what the ratio of children to mother is

3. increasing numbers have been forced by circumstances to work for money outside the home, for example fetching and cutting wood for others and working in factories and markets. As a result, some children never enter school, others drop out of classes. The numbers of street children and families in urban areas increased during the 1990s - in a country where harsh temperatures reach as low as minus 30-40 degrees in winter.

This is a disturbing fact to me. Children don't really seem have a childhood at all and are being denied to right to education for a chance to chance these devastating percentages. 

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