Sunday, August 14, 2011

Blog Assignment: Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

1.)There are no universally agreed criteria for quantifying ECE quality but useful factors to consider include pedagogy materials, personnel training, service setting and parental education and involvement. 

This is a topic I focused on in my discussion this week. I believe their should be universal standards for ECE criteria, I'm hoping in the near future this is a topic that can be settled on

2.) The 1990 Jomtien Declaration on Education for All (EFA), stated that countries should view early childhood as part of basic education. Once countries recognise the positive value of state investment in this area, the next challenge is to mobilise funds. 

This has been another area of concern for me, the value people put on ECE. Recognizing it's worth and not just treating it as a babysitting service.

3.) Countries often promote alternative services for poor children with limited or no access to mainstream early childhood services which can be cost-effective and pedagogically innovative, but often raise concerns about sustainability and quality

My hope is that some day all ECE can be considered quality regardless of cost.

1 comment:

  1. Megan,
    I also think early childhood should be apart of basic education, because its preparing the children before entering kindergarten. With the kindergarten standards now, imagine how far children will be behind without attending preschool. I think this is another issue that needs to be taken into consideration.
