- What insights have you gained about research from taking this course?
Research can be very fun, yet complex. The fun part about research is being able to dive into a topic of interest and explore it, the challenging part is that you can not do it listlessly.
- In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed?
I have also looked at research as a pain, something that is a daunting task. But as I mentioned before it can actually be fun if you are interested in the topic.
- What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?
I learned how to be organized and structured when it comes to conducting research. There are many options on setting up a research design and it is important to explore all to see what will fit your needs the best
- What were some of the challenges you encountered—and in what ways did you meet them?
Challenges I encountered was finding appropriate study participants for my topic of choice for my simulation. I had a limited selection to choose form so the nest time I think I will do more research to find a larger group base to observe.